10 Vintage Dinosaur Postage Stamps // Age of Reptiles Unused Vintage 1970 Postage Stamps for Mailing

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(16 sets in stock)
10 Jurassic Dinosaur Stamps // Vintage 1970 Postage // Age of Reptiles // Postage for Mailing

Face Value: 6 cents
Date of Issue: 1970
Scott No.: 1390

These stamps are perfectly suitable for use as postage, as long as you use additional stamps to add up to the current postage rate. These exciting Jurassic era stamps will add a fun personalized touch to your greeting cards or invitations!

Postally Yours,

p.s. The dinosaur image on this stamp is actually based on a mural painted in the 1940s! It is almost 110 feet wide and took 4 years to paint! It hangs in the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale.